
Entry #94
November 17th, 2013

I had another weird dream.

I dreamt that I was walking in a field or meadow of sorts during the night. I believe I was searching for something. I'm not sure what it was, though. There was a full moon out in the sky, but it was way larger than it could possibly be. Couldn't miss it even if I wanted to. I felt like it was watching me, but for some reason, it didn't feel paranormal or anything. It felt natural, for lack of a better word. I dunno. It was a strange feeling.

After a while of looking around, I spotted a figure of sorts in the distance. It was radiating a soft white glow; I'm surprised I hadn't noticed it before. I think it must've been what I was looking for because I started walking towards it. Getting closer with each step, I started hearing a song of sorts. It was unlike anything I've ever heard. It was beautiful, near enchanting even. I don't know how I could've dreamt up something like it when I've never heard anything like it before. Even now as I'm writing this, I'm thinking about how it even occurred in my dream. I just can’t wrap my head around it.

As I approached the figure, I came to learn that the song I've been hearing was coming from it. I was also able to make out some details of it: the most noticeable one being its height; it practically towered over me, it had long, flowing hair too. But other than those, it had no other features. It was a sight to behold in some strange sense. I just stood there, staring at it in some sort of awe. I have no idea how long I stood there; it could've been hours for all I know. Then suddenly, the figure's glow intensified to a blinding degree, engulfing my senses in its light.

And then I woke up.

Usually after waking up after these sorts of dreams, nothing's out of the ordinary. Maybe I'd have knocked something over in my sleep or I'd be woken up by some noise. But this time was different. After waking up, I spotted a paper sitting on my nightstand that wasn't there before. It had a haiku (I'm pretty sure it was one) on it. Here's what it had on it:

A small piece of paper with the following haiku written on it: 'The lonely moon shines bright, its forlorn light finds a soul, and sings unto it.' The word 'moon' is in a different color from the rest.

I don't know how it got there. It's not written in my handwriting at all. It's not like anything I'd do either, just writing some poem on a piece of paper for a future me. I can't think of a single reason why I or anyone would just write and leave something like this right next to me in my sleep without a reason. Unless I have a bad stalker. God, I don't even want to think about that possibility. I have enough anxiety right now as is. I just know I'll lose sleep over this too. Just looking at it makes my blood curdle.

Where did it come from? I can't wrap my mind around it at all. It's scaring me. I think I need some air.

That should be good enough for now.